A Netrunner Reboot Project Update: Preconstructed

It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, but it’s time for a Netrunner Reboot Project Update!

Some background for those who are new

The Netrunner Reboot Project is an attempt to go back and rebalance the Android: Netrunner card pool using hindsight and an expert understanding of the game. Starting with the original core set, we have made (almost entirely numerical) adjustments to many cards in order to craft a game that has a huge variety of viable strategies, and excellent side and faction balance.

You can learn more about the project generally on our website.

A Project Update

The Reboot card-pool now contains all releases up to Data and Destiny.

We now have a visual spoiler/print-and-play for all changed cards! Great for curious browsing or for playing in person!

There is now an additional way to play with the Reboot cards, as a response to the most common piece of feedback I’ve received. Some players love the idea of the Reboot, and are excited for many of the changes, but either don’t have time to build decks, or feel intimidated by how open-ended it is. Indeed, this has always been true for Netrunner, and is why so many players have taken decks off Netrunnerdb or from their friends since the early days of the game.

I decided to embrace players’ need for these resources and embody it in a format: Reboot Preconstructed.

The Preconstructed Format

In Preconstructed, you will play with one of 22 ready-to-play decks. These are a mix of top-tier and tier-2 competitive decks, all good enough to win with consistently if played well. This format allows players to have all the fun of a competitive constructed match, without any of the deck-building work. The decks are incredibly diverse, and truly have something for everyone. Some decks are familiar favorites with just small adjustments, while others are brand new decks only made possible by the Reboot’s changes.

If the Reboot sounds interesting to you, give Preconstructed a try and let me know what you think. We’re currently running a league for this format in the GLC discord in the #red-circle channel, and I’ll be making an announcement of another once it finishes!

If you have questions, comments, or feedback, you can always message me on Stimhack Slack, or on Discord.


One thought on “A Netrunner Reboot Project Update: Preconstructed

  1. This is amazing. Thank you for doing this. I missed the original cards very much, they give the most “Netrunner-y” feel when played, and mostly numerical balancing keeps them as close to what we remember as possible. Never stop this project


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